Monday 30 June 2014

Hi again!

Yay, another post!

We talk about books every week, right?


Ok, I guess you're right, i did say every week, but i just want to establish that on here, we all hate Twilight. Understand? If you like it, you're more mad than me. Twilight is the worst thing ever. If you like it, fine, you can carry on reading my blog, but don't be bothered by the fact that i keep hinting that i hate it.

Now, with that out of the way, I'll carry on talking.

I really hope you like my continuous use of GIFs, because I wanted this blog to have a little humor.
Because i'm only allowed to talk about books on ABooksC123, I decided I'd find you some nice funny GIFs based on books.

Now waay more memes. I can't find any other funny GIFs.

I've never smelt a book and thought 'Damn, that's good'. Obviously, this dude has.

I guess if you've read or scrolled down this page, you like memes, or you like me as a friend.

So now, the final meme:

Should I write a book? I really want to. Any comments would be appreciated!

Sunday 29 June 2014

Harry Potter

Yay, HP!

Yay, Twilight!

Wait, Twilight? Eww, no. This blog's for young an' old. :\

Harry Potter characters

It would take me ages to list all of them, so i'll just name a few.

Harry Potter

We call him Mr. Pawter on this blog, ok?

Mr. Pawter is a wizard.

A wizard.

He's the main character, and the awesome dude.

He eventually kills the person he was saved from by his mom.

Voldiekins: Darn.


As the name subtly hints, Heromine is a Hero. 

Nawww, cooties.

She's the smart one of the trio.


He's that dude at the very start of the post. Wicked!

Ron's Harry's BFF n' stuff.

He's just another one of those people. Not much to put about Ron.

To find out if something's good, compare it to Twilight.

Trust me, if it's worse than Twilight, it shouldn't exist.

HP vs Twilight

I'm one of those people who doesn't put much effort into stuff, so i'll let Stephen King do the talking.

Le weekly video

Hmm, doesn't seem to be working for me. Welp, find it here:

I guess that's it for today. Be sure to check out this website every Sunday"

Yay, introduction!

Together we will discuss books.

Sounds boring, right? Probably is. But we can give it a go. Seems to interest 2 people who viewed the page. Right, so, we talk about books, we write books, we exchange book ideas once a week.

Phew, blogwriting sure is hard work. I'm going to take an imaginary coffee break, then do our second ever post.